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The Release

If you stretch your arms out open wide and stretch

Feel the bones cracking as they grow see the trees, will their billowing majesty

Your chest cavity opens wide, WIDE slanted skies no longer bind you

Powdered love rips out of plastic colors race through the air, WATCH

Our hearts, can anything contain them?

STRETCH, and feel the ink released out of joints plumes of smoke bursting from tree bark

Fibers, RIP them apart so you can see their fading edges in the sunlight

You dissolve into the natural world they will breathe you in and they will never know

Such a soft universe on our wing-tips!

A deep exhale

blankets the darkening sky

As we land

On flat ground, the earth under us worn down

And soft enough to entrench our feet

We are lying on the graves of our unstretched bodies,

Our clothes scattered through treetops,

And in knotted holes

They will find lost linen strips

While we sleep under ever growing sequoias

一a life’s worth of stretching in one final day


© 2020 by Arras Periodical.

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