my home of which i can no longer return to
i, the other half of you / take thee, the better half of me
to be my philtatos / in this life and the next
to have and to hold / from this day forward,
to serenade and to stay by / in every sliver of time
for as long as you will let me
for better, for worse / for richer, for poorer,
in poverty and in wealth / in sickness and in health,
no matter the circumstance
and like achilles and patroclus,
not even Death shall do us part
according to our unspoken ordinances,
it will always be you;
therefore i pledge for thee,
my faith and my fate / my everything and my nothing:
i give to you my soul / to cherish for all eternity
and in the case / where Death do us part
i’ll search ‘till you / my world and welkin
are back in my arms / and in the time we adorn
with the music we create together
i, forever yours / vow to stand by your side
even if you are not by mine / even if it is not me
beside you at the altar / because this may be your wedding
but it is not ours.
–––from the one no longer first in your heart
but still can’t let you go